Welcome to the Fulbright School Alumni website

Since 1995, there have been over 1,400 alumni from 60 out of 63 provinces and cities across the country who graduated from the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management (FSPPM), formerly known as the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program (FETP). FSPPM alumni have always created significant impacts in important positions in government agencies, universities, financial and banking sectors, private enterprises, multinational companies, and non-profit organizations.

Our Activities

a group of people sitting around a table
a group of people sitting around a table
Annual Meeting

The Fulbright School Alumni will hold its annual meeting every November.

Events and Serminars

Throughout the year, there are specialized seminars for alumni to connect and update information.

F4E Scholarship 

The Fulbright Scholarship for Education is an initiative aimed at supporting graduate students in the program.

FSA for Education
FSA for Education
FSA Homecoming 2022
FSA Homecoming 2022

Contact our FSA Liaison Committee

As an alumnus, if you want to reconnect with the community, please contact the representatives of your class or our Liaison Committee.